Health Benefits

Around the world, chiropractors, physiotherapists, doctors and other medical professionals are turning to whole body vibration for it’s amazing theraputic capabilities. Muscles are forced to respond to whole body vibration, but because the exercise is low impact, it’s not overly stressful on delicate muscles. Before beginning any program, discuss whole body vibration with your practitioner to find out it it’s right for you.
Improve Mobility
Preliminary results on the mobility after whole body vibration in immobilized children and adolescen…
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More than just an exercise machine, WBV technology offers the luxury of whole body massage and relaxation. Massage also benefits overall health and has been shown to improve physical performance, prevent injuries, and reduce stress.
Many of the wonders of Whole Body Vibration from a Shiatsu perspective stem from the concept of frequency, or number of vibrations per second. This frequency of vibrations flows through the body in the form of waves or wavelengths, affecting the natural energy of the body described in the practice of Shiatsu or Eastern Acupressure as Ki or Qi. We utilize the application of pressure points such as those for neck pain, headaches, stress, and joint pain while on the Whole Body Vibration platform to profound effect. To learn some simple acupressure points that can be used with the Vibration Technology please see the website